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There are three basic requirements for CVMA® membership: you must be of good character; you must be able to provide proof of creditable military service; you must own and legally operate a motorcycle of 500cc or above*.  Potential members are encouraged to participate in an 18-8 event or meeting to ensure we are a good fit for you before beginning the application process.  Check out the information below, then visit our FAQ's page for more details.  


Auxiliary Members (AUX) are spouses, widows, or widowers of Full and Supporter Members in good standing with CVMA®.  Proof of marriage must be submitted with application for AUX membership. 

*Auxiliary members are not required to own or operate a motorcycle.

Full Members (FM) are veterans of the United States Armed Forces with verifiable combat service. Applicants are required to provide a DD-214 (Member 4)/215 (or other verifiable service record). The CVMA® National Board of Directors will verify eligibility and must approve all applications for full membership.

Supporter Members (SUP) are veterans of the United States Armed Forces who have successfully completed basic military training but who do not have verifiable combat service.  Support Members must be sponsored by a Full Member in good standing and must meet minimum riding requirements. 

CVMA Three Patch Emblem
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